Monday, January 30, 2012

Gong Xi Fa Cai! 2012

Happy Chinese New Year my dear friends!

Today is the 8th day of Chinese New Year and its the day to pray to Ting Gong?

Anyways today is the first day I started work and it was surprisingly pleasant compared to what I expected. Sure I was busy from all the piled up work, but still it was pleasant. :)

You know, its quite an interesting new year. This is first Chinese New Year that I have truly entered the working life. And my activities this year was somehow different compared to previous CNYs.

To say that this CNY was boring I wouldn't agree. Tell me during this new year, can you imagine even once being alone? We are always surrounded by friends and family that we don't really know what we have. And we complaint are bored. But looking back this past few days, no regret right guys and girls? When in a normal day are we able to just chill and hang out like it is a care free world?

Maybe boring for you, but it was good for me. And I appreciate all my friends who had chilled with me this new year. Cheers to you all! (I wasn't drunk at all this year!!)

And Hey.. It isn't over yet.. There is still 5 days. I wonder what is going to happen this Saturday?


Signing Off,

1 comment:

jermenn said...

yea... I enjoyed .. just like back to the old free world~!