Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dyue Genki Girl *updated 14 Apr

Guys, you won't see any complaints from me in this post... i am being very kind to you... let me show you some hot chicks!

Check out for more hot chicks here!

Yo people...since i am so kind to show you all so many hot you guys also don't be so stingy ya.... give Dicky's girlfriend a vote! vote for Sharon Bee !

How to vote?

  1. 此投选活动是开放对所有马来西亚公民从2008 年3月31 日到7月6 日 。
    This campaign activity is open to all Malaysia citizens from 31st March to 6th July 2008.

  2. DyueLife Advertising Sdn Bhd的雇员及赞助商的直系亲属没有资格参与此投选活动。
    Employees of DyueLife Advertising Sdn Bhd, Prize Sponsors and immediate families are NOT eligible to participate.

  3. 请于www.dyuelife.com点击"用户登录" 注册喜悦俱乐部网站会员,你将拥有喜悦“元气”美女选拔投票权。
    Simply click “Register” and fill in your particulars to become DyueClub member online at . Upon your registration, you’ll entitle to become a voter at Dyue “Genki” Girl Search.

  4. 欲投票者务必先登录DYUE元气美女网站后才能进行投票
    You need to login to Dyue Genki Girl Search website before you can start voting

  5. 欢迎大家来评选,完全免费。
    Everyone is welcome to rate the nominees. It is free of charge.

  6. 每一名喜悦俱乐部网站的会员每天拥有12票。
    Each registered DyueClub member is entitled to 12 votes per day to dispose on the contestants.

Current Ranking (*updated 14 Apr 2008)

12639 votes

Belle berry
12374 votes

12232 votes

Annie Lim
12160 votes

11994 votes

11587 votes

11137 votes

11103 votes

10828 votes

10732 votes

Recently, we got lots of contests helding in Malaysia... Singing, beauty, dancing, acting, etc.... It's like they are developing our entertainment line and It's sounds like they are exploring more talented people in our country... But it is more to commercialize than they are looking for more talents... Most of the contests are without judges...the result is totally 100% depends on the votes from audience and the supporters... through online voting? sms voting? Means the richest one will get to buy the title? If it's 100% voting contest... i believe there will be a lot of ways to cheat...

Will the results fair to the contestants?

What if there is a contest to compete who is the tallest guy in the world and it is 100% base on the votes? without any judges? and the shortest guy get the most votes? So the shortest guy can claim the title of the tallest guy in the world? How to tallest lah? It doesn't make any sense right?

Dyue Genki Girl ? Check out the current ranking...

Number 1...

Number 2...

Number 3...

i wonder what is this contest about? Looking for pretty girls? or what? Oh yeah...i didn't say those at the top ranking are ugly or what... I am talking about the justice of the contest...

At least all of the contestants must gone through the selection from some professional judges... It means they are qualified then only they let the audience to vote for their favorites lahh... what if someone really wan to cheat? 100% Online voting? If i am really that desperate to be the winner, i can spend some cash to get a hacker to break the system... then i will be the winner? 100% Sms voting? It's competing who is the richest?

I believe i can make Banana Tan to be the winner if i wanted to...

Let us make her to be the most votes and she will be the Dyue Genki Girl's winner!


Anonymous said...


check it out babes~

Anonymous said...

so pweeeety! =))