Monday, October 27, 2008

Air Justin @ Genting

Pictures taken with Jackie's new Nikon D60... :D

Remember, CLICK to enlarge

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Do you want a Sony Skinny T digital camera?

Have you guys heard of the slim Sony Skinny T camera from Sony??

Are you attracted to the sleek design because it’s so S.L.I.M and not forgetting it’s oh so versatile because you can keep it in your pockets and bring it out at anytime and any day?

Well, I don’t know about you, But I certainly know that I am attracted to this camera ever since I 1st time saw it in the brochure.

Sony is currently holding a *Picture of happiness* competition where you get a chance to win a SONY SKINNY T digital camera.How cool is that? All you have to do is upload a picture of you being happy and write a slogan for your photo.

I want mine in pink.. hehe

There’s no harm participating it right?? Who knows, you might get lucky and win yourself a camera??

Click here to join. I have already uploaded mine, what are you waiting for??

Thursday, October 23, 2008


今朝一早就得來一個壞消息... 嬤嬷好似就快撐唔住了...



最意想不到既係... 當我地正為嬤嬤祈禱念經既時候... 嬤嬤既心跳係儀器上顯得好唔穩定... 睇住佢由42, 41, 40.....我地嗌醫生.....嬤嬤既心跳越來越薄弱.... 我覺得好驚好亂.... 突然儀器顯視 -

我喊左出來...但係我亦抱住希望.... 不停既為嬤嬤祈禱念經... 希望嬤嬤大步缆....過左一陣.... 嬤嬤始終都係離開左...

我點都毋念過... 平時係電視劇既劇情居然發生係我既身上....

睇住嬤嬤離開.... 我覺得很傷痛.... 個種心酸.... 真係無法形容...

雖然好心痛,但係都要面對事實... 其實對嬤嬤來講都係一個解脫...


我地問佢痛唔痛啊?會辛苦嗎? 佢總係搖頭話唔會... 但係佢連轉個身都會痛到嗌左出來... 可以想像到佢係既0甘痛苦既...

嬤嬤...原諒我呢個不孝孫... 我連來探您既時候都唔知要同您倾D乜... 您生前我亦無為您做過D乜..

您依家走了,我更加乜都做唔到.... 嬤嬤... 您安息啦.... 我只能夠希望您能夠到達人地話既天堂,極樂世界...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


嬷嬤經已廋到似皮包骨,睇見就心痛... 佢一日比一日弱,身體功能都慢慢退化...


生老病死...呢D都係人生必經既階段... 我真係覺得好無助啊!

人生本來就係苦海... 人人都以為能夠活係呢個世界上,係因為我地好彩,因為我地前世績得福多,今世先至會有福氣做人. 人有七情,有六慾, 有感覺, 有愛, 有情, 有思想, 有所謂既人性. 就因為我地有"人性",所以對於生老病死先至會更加执著, 更加痛苦. 就算再活得更好,都無法脫離生老病死既恐懼.

尤其係睇住自己身邊最親最愛既人受苦受難, 呢個簡直就係做人最辛苦,最殘酷既虐待...

如果一個人病左,你仲話可以期望佢早日康復....但係...當你知道佢已經毋可能可以再好返既時候... 你因該抱住麼0野心情去面對呢?

人生誰無死呢? 呢種叫樂觀? 安慰? 自欺欺人? 還是自私呢?


我地下下都選擇犧牲人地來換取自己既快樂... 下下都破壞D生態來換取自己既方便... 將大自然既定律反轉...

唔知到呢D算唔算係逆天而行呢? 逆天而行,必遭天譴!??

我地以為我地依家識得利用D科技來慳返D時間, 實係比起D古代既人醒得多啦....但係就因為D輻射同埋當今D化學作用, 我地既壽命亦都比古代既人短左一大半.. 相比之下, 我地有毋慳到D時間呢? 而且我地仲面臨僅地球暖化既危機0添!


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Penang Trip

1st day
Everyone met up at this mamak at Aman suria for breakfast. Unfortunately, Jackie dint sleep well the night before, so he was a bit late, plus with the bad traffic at LDP both of us dint make it in time for breakfast. We depart around 9.30 am from Aman Suria and reach penang around late noon.

Guess who's car is this? hehe

After settling down in the service apartment *btw, we stayed at GoldenView* it was already 3pm. Gosh, there were no food everywhere and all of us was starving. At last, Roy brought us to this place with the guidance from his friend. Food wise, definitely not that tasty as it was the last option and we don’t have any choice. All of us were dead tired and we just wanted something to eat so that we can head back to the apartment for a rest.

Penang popiah

Fried oysters

Fried kuey teow

Next, all of us wake up around 6 and get ready for our seafood dinner that night. Thanks to their local friend, we manage to have delicious seafood at this hidden place which I myself dont know where is it. *lol*

Moon, Amanda, James, Roy

Crabs and Mantis prawns

I serious dunno what is this. I think its some kind of snail

Part of our dishes that night. We also had 2 type of crabs, 2 plates of fried rice, 2 plates of mantis prawns, vegetable and etc.

Day 2
The next day, all of us woke up around 9am for breakfast. We had fried kuey teow that morning. Delicious I must say, but it’s kinda pricey. One plate cost rm8 if you want extra prawns.Fried Kuey Teow with extra mantis prawns.

The guys figuring out where to go next with the map

Me, Jackie, Jenshen, Roy and Tiffany

My mum requested nutmeg from penang, so off we go to Him Heang for the ever so popular biscuits. It wasnt easy finding the shop but just when jackie was about to give up, we manage to find the place.

Me on the phone, asking mum which type of nutmeg she wants. Cath and GH is beside me

Alicia, GH and baby choosing what to buy..haha

All of us dint know where to go next, the initial plan was to go to the toy factory but we have to skip that because everyone wore short pants that day. So we drove round and round and at the end we settle in this temple which I find quite interesting.

Roy, jenshen and Cath

Me and jackie

Me again :P

All the girls * i actually felt very short when I am standing next to Alicia*

The Guys

Tiffany was craving for Assam laksa so off we go to Jalan Penang for our so called late lunch. The shop that Jackie recommended was introduced by HoChiak and there is this Cendol shop outside which is fairly popular as well.

Cendol and Sugar cane juice, just nice for the super hot weather outside

Assam Laksa

As for dinner, Roy brought us to this Thai restaurant at “little Genting”. They were rushing up for sunset, thus I have a very exciting journey up hill. The scenery there was great, better than Look Out point I must say. Food wise, not that bad, at least its edible.

Me and Jackie

Cath and me

James, Tiffany,Roy, Jackie

Amanda, Moon, James, Jackie, Me, Cath and Jenshen
Me and baby

Group Picture

After dinner, we went for a walk at Batu ferringgi night bazaar.

Decorative Mask

ceiling lamps

Cars photoshoot at the carpark

Next up is western style yumcha back at the apartment. They had Volka, Beer and red wine at night. It only took me some Volka + Orange juice to turn red as a tomato.
Everyone pointing at Moon because he lost the game..haha but, the ultimate loser that night was james..hehe
Moon snap for no reason, Jackie almost got cheated..haha

Chicken wings for supper, this was super yummy

Day 3
It was time to go back. Our last meal in Penang was Dimsum for breakfast.

Variety of yummy dimsum

Check out the auntie expression.. *lol*

P/S: Pictures by kevin boey