Thursday, July 19, 2012


I've been really exhausted for a long long time..

Not to say that I have been working too much... well, I do work kind alot and with all the travelling its really taxing on my body.

But its not like I do not have enough time for rest, its just that I just can't scarifice my own personal time so I always sacrifice my sleeping time. I just have to go out for my Yam Cha session, going online even though I am fucking tired, another round of farming on diablo.

My mom has been really worried as she is seeing news many people just dropping dead from exhaustion.

The guy who watch Euro Cup None stop
The guy who played diablo non stop
Previouslly, there was a lady who died due to over working.

I think we should really take off one day, just to have a proper rest and clear up our minds. Sleep is something our body needes very much that we scarifice too much of it.

That said.... lets go to




Signing Off from my fucking office,


Sharon.Bee said...

Are you serious?
going bkk just to sleep?

Jan said...

not just sleep,

its eat shit and sleep


bangla prince said...

hahahha!!! arunsawat na krub!! good morning!!!