Monday, June 11, 2007

ShRek iT!

These days Shrek is becoming hot in the city. You can see everywhere is using Shrek as their promotion.

ReD bOx

When you go to Mc Donald, you can also try the "Shrek Meals"

Shreking Sundae

Shrek Furry

Shrek Juice

Shrek Fries (I like this one! YuMmY!!)

As you can see the city is "Shreking"! Everything is becoming greEn! Even Joe....

Shrek Joe
I just watched Shrek 3 few days ago...Unfortunately, i couldn't really enjoy the show because i was having terrible headache and i vomited 4 times on that day!! <--- pregnant d...


Anonymous said...

wtf .. really make it off my face.. top 1 in us u know dun play play.. most of them also kids

jermenn said...

harharhar! see!? i make u a super star dude! shud've thank me!