Friday, July 06, 2007

It's mah burfdae...

When i recall back to the 18 year old me, it was like just yesterday.. but now i am already 22... the young, passionate, naughty and playful me has just gone.... I feel like i am losing my life, my friends, my freedom, my dreams, and myself... Maybe i should let them go and start my new life.... Never talk like a kid, no more crapping around, no more more jokes, no more study life, no class for me to skip anymore, no more singing and movies at the student price, no night life for me during working days, no more dota-ing till mid night, and there are much much more changes to me.... Now i have to trim my hair shorter and I also have to wear like ah pek everyday.... T______T

Somehow, i am already an adult...these are what i suppose to act like... AN OLD FOLK A MAN!...

Anyway, thanks to all my friends for the wishes and celebrating my burfdae with me.

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