Saturday, July 07, 2007

A litlle snakie snake

Okay , i was suppose to blog about this quite some time , but after procrastinating it for so long, i just lost the mood

Well i think it was last week ... guah...
my robotic course had to attend this talk , i went there a little bit early, and none of my friends was there yet , so i lepaked around the area till my friends arrived
so we can go in together gether ma

so my friends came one by one , until CCB and Lanjiau came together , CCB told me that he saw a snake on the way

CCB: wey , i saw a snake on the way

Me : Ohh , so and catch la diu

ccb : catch la diu

me: aiyiah , dont have proper place to put la , need a guni or sumthing

Ani Ciu : I got plastic bag u want or not?? ( taking out a plastic bag)

Me : where can , die wey the snake

CCB : use my bag la!! i sacrifice!!

Me : Diu .. you sure or not!!!! COME LAA!!!


everyone else : You guys serious!???!?!

at this point we were all excited and and started running towards the snake
I dont know how , but suddenly a few other more people who are not familiar to us start following
we got like a party to hunt the snake now

and the weirdest thing , the snake was on a sign board

Anyways , when we reached there , no one really dare to touch a snake

me: wah , what kind of snake is it ?? poisonous or not ?
Lanjiau : i think its a python
Lanjiau's friend : yeah , looks like a python
me : ok loh , lets do it

so we found a piece of stick , opened ccb's bag and pushed the snake inside , zipped it up . We were all excited like hell

after that , we still had a talk to attend, a three hour talk , so we took the snake to talk, for three hours......
after everything , we burrowed an aquarium from a friend , set it up , and put the snake inside
CCB took it home for a day to set the aquarium and freak his mom out
CCB then pass me the snake , i put it outside my living room.
well after a few days , i went and buy some frogs to feed the snake.
was pretty dissapointed , the snake wasnt interested in the frog at all , more like it was scared of it
after the failed attempt to feed it , i kinda lost my mood for it

so after 9 days , i decided to try again , only this time , i bought a white mouse
and after reading up online and researching , seem that pythons are active at night , so i decided to feed it at night
on the day it self , i had like 5 friends over , because we are suppose to go somewhere together , but before that , i wanted to feed my snake.
so we were all excited, we put the mouse into the aquarium
the mouse was inside , walking around , it even went and touch the snake smelling it
by this time we were all abit dissapointed, OMG is the snake and mouse making friends!?!?!?
but after awhile , the snake head looked up , it saw the mouse .... and then.............

the snake was all over the mouse, curling around it

all of us started shouting and jumping!!!!
it happen to damn fast
my heart was pounding!!
after awhile , the mouse stop moving , and the snake tried to eat the mouse , but it was like a noob , it couldnt seem to find a proper angle to swallow it , after awhile , it doesnt seem to interested in eating the mouse , at this time i got a bit worried , as i would have a dead mouse in the aquarium

then i remember i read somewhere that some snakes prefer to eat in the dark , so i turn off the lights , and we all waited.
after awhile the snake swallowed the mouse , i didnt really see this though , as it was dark and all

anyways, after seeing all this , my mood to blog about this was revived, this is one of the coolest thing i've ever seen. national geographic live!!!

i havent given the snake a name yet .. any ideas????

but i guess it doesnt matter, i told my mom about the snake , and she freaked out , so i am going to have to release the snake , but i promise beforehand that if i dont want the snake i have to give it to Lanjiau's friend. So now i am jsut waiting for him to get an aqaurium before i pass the snake to him.

but before that , lets hope i can have a few more feeding sessions, hahahhahaha
anyone is invited to come this time , with a little fee
what to do , one mouse cost me RM 3.00 wey!!!!!

now , i am going to clean the aquarium............. wish me luck , abit scared after seeing what the snake did to the mouse


Anonymous said...

It was definitely a special nite out. Baby snake first taste of blood, dead pinky, and TRANSFORMERS, more than meet the eyes!


ps: name? erm.. jany la.. hahhaa ^^

DrOz said...

Weiii excited 1 ..
U guys really dare to catch the snake weii ...geng lo!!!
I also dun dare to go near at all ..

Anonymous said...

ahhahah, next week , its brain's turn

Jany ahh... sounds too girly , dont know if the snake is a girl or guy, dont know how to check , nothing seems to be sticking out , ahaha

dare to catch , but now i dont dare to touch it also , the fella like damn ganas de

Anonymous said...

damn funny the way u wrote. Anyway, my friend, once got a snake too. Me and my friends went to his hse to watch the snake eating mouse show. For the sake of his snake, he even bought white mice, both male and females, to make babies, so that he don't need to go and buy it everytime .

Imagine~~~ But, I did advised him to let the snake to eat vegetable.:p

You nvr see a vegetarian snake b4 right?!!!!