Friday, August 03, 2007

1st of August 2007

Sorry that i delayed this post...

Anyway, i am here to introduce a very special day, 1st of August to you guys! Most of my friends also know that 1/8 is Joo Ann a.k.a Bridget Jones' Birthday!! Of course, this may only be special to me huh! =P Beside that, this year 1/8 is Guan Yin's Birthday as well!

Wondering who is Guan Yin? Definately not your friend that always go Maison on Thursday night lo!

觀音菩薩, the god in Buddhism

That means Joo Ann celebrated her b'day together with god.

My sista, Rox and I are the god son and daughter of Guan yin. So we 4 monkeys (Joe, Joan, Me and Eng) followed Rox went to the famous 觀音廟(Guan Yin's Temple) at Sentul for the Guan Yin's Festival.

Really people mountain people sea....

Let me tell you the story behind this temple...

Once upon a time, there was a temple in Sentul that attracted heaps of Buddhism to celebrate the Guan Yin’s Festival. Unfortunately, government planned to use the land for development purpose. Therefore, they sent their workers to demolish the temple. When the workers arrived at the spot, the temple transformed into a gigantic white snake and chased them away. That’s why the temple is still remained until now…


My very own design of the Gigantic White Snake! Transformerss!

*This is just a legend of the temple... so Ripley's Believe it or not?

Back to the ceremony, here is a reminder from me to the newbies... Bring your own lotus candle! (Rox is pro, she prepared everything...)

Write on your name and stick it to the candle, then you will be blessed...

Find a good spot 1st!!

Million of wishes to keep the gods busy...

Before you suffocating in a smokey and pack condition... eat the Marry's biscuit a.k.a Guan Yin's biscuit!

There's a written charm with the biscuit, swallow it if you're hungry!

Aihhh~! As you all know, we are very sam pat one... we won't leave without our photo session one!!!

1, 2, PrayYyyYY!

*Thanks Joe for being the camera man!


After that.....we reached home....

TaAaaaa DaAAaAAa!!

Nice cakeee huhhh? It's eggless!

Happy 22nd Birthday to Joo Ann!!! Hopefully you'd enjoyed! Muaks!

1 comment:

Bridget Jones said...

I feel so warm and happy on that day!