Sunday, August 06, 2006

wHy iTs WoNdErFuL To Be a WoMaN (pArT 1)

Okay, so we all know there are certain things that aren’t so great about being a woman (men, dieting, PMS, men, ect)


There are LOADS of reasons why being a woman is FANTASTIC. Here are 50 of the best of them. Read, enjoy, and be glad you’re not a boy! and if you are a boy, just read it for fun ok?

1. When a ship sinks, woman (and children) get off first.

2. A woman can hug her best friend without worrying she'll think she's gay.

3. Woman can talk to attractive members of the opposite sex without having to picture them naked.

4. Woman can choose from a wide range of styles at the hairdresser's. Men have just 2 options: short and very short.

5. A woman can never be blamed if its wet on the floor around the toilet bowl.

6. If a woman cheats on her spouse everyone will assume its because she was being emotionaly neglected.

7. Woman are capable of doing at least 2 diffrent things to a passable standard at the same time.

8. Woman live longer than men.

9. Woman know how to cover up spots and other facial blemishes.

10. If a woman inexplicably disappers for 2 weeks, one of her friends will notice

11. Woman mature earlier then men (some men never mature at all)

12. A woman's friends wont think she's weird if she ask them if there's spinach stuck to her teeth.

13. There are times when chocolate really is the answer to all a woman's problems.

14. Woman don't feel unconfortable with gay waiters or hairdressers.

15. A woman can fully assess a person just by looking at their shoes.

16. Woman know the truth about whether size matters.

17. No woman ever has the desire to arrange her possessions in alphabetical order.

18. A woman can take a drive without trying to beat her best time.

19. If a woman forgets to shave, no-one has to know.

20. Woman never have to discover they've been duped by a wonderbra.

21. A woman dancing doesn't look like a frog in a blender.

22. Woman are capable of going longer than five minute without thinking about either sex or football.

23. Woman never lust after a cartoon character or the central figure in a computer game.

24. Woman can be groupies. Male groupies are stalkers.

25. Woman aren't expected to know how to change a tyre, mend a leaking pipe or build a brick barbecue.

I am sorry if this sense of humor could be misconstrued as not being politically correct. I just want to have a little fun and laughter here, so go on, and lighten up! And guys pls feel free to comment!

Part 2 of "why its wonderful to be a woman" will be out soon! so keep checking our blog ya!

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