Thursday, October 05, 2006

A Different world

Hmm, since someone said i never write anything and i am being threaten to be ban(BY NGAN LA!!!) , so ill just write something . Here goes

I noticed that I come form a different world , comparing to my life and friends in KL and and my current one in Melaka.

My friends in KL plays basketball

My friends in Melaka plays tennis

None of my friends in KL swims

A few swimmer friends here (Beeen going swimming quite often , which i
NEVER do in KL , the nearest place to swim is 5 minutes walk from my house to the shit pond)

My KL friends are not crazy about cars

Some friends here worship cars

KL friends speak mostly Kanton ( jsut for me they speak english , so good)

Melaka friends speak Engriss

Kl friends are not crazy into any sports

Melaka friedns like tennis , football , badminton , F1 , blah blah balh dunno waht else la

Both friends plays different tpye of computer games( though i am being a good friend and makign melaka firends addicted to DOTA)

Both sides of friends have a very different back ground

I dont have hang out with any other race ohter than chinese in KL , but i do in melaka

One side friends have street smart , the other is study smart (dun wan to say which side la , figure put ur self.)

KL friends are fucking sociable and have drinkign sessions ( I luv drinkign sessions, not the vommiting part)

Melaka friends dont drink

Kl friends would sometimes sit for hours just talkign crap in a mamak

Everyone is in a hurry to leave in melaka

Watching 2 or even 3 movies in kl

Wacthing more than 2 movies is a BIG NONO !! in melaka( melaka cinema damn sad )

When there is tension , Friends in KL tend to be straight

In melaka, when there is tension , its just fucking funny,

Despite the differences, there is one similarity about the 2 group of friends ,

BOth sides LOVE to bitch about other people.

Okay, lazy to write de, exam in 5 hours , its 3.35 am now , damn syok


Anonymous said...

FUCKING true..ha ha ha know what..this fellow...did this..that fellow did this...hmmm

Anonymous said...

haha.. scared ah?
Didnt sleep because of this?
omg.. did i ruin ur moral paper?

what u said quite true.
and i know who u r talking about..
nyeh nyeh nyeh..

Anonymous said...

Hahahaa , no lah , i memang cannot sleep , so write to kill my time, kakaka

who ahh?? i never say any names so i dont know what ur talkign about ; )

Anonymous said...

of coz u didnt mention any name.
sendiri ada paham cukup la rite?

i also dunno who actually.. lalala..

Anonymous said...

who who who? i think it's in general i think...not one person..he he

Anonymous said...

You'll never know , which category you fall in , dont be suprise friends